'Say a command' are the words that often startle me when I reach for my Blackberry and accidentally press the silver button on the left side. The silver button to which I refer is strategically placed smack dab in the center sideline of the device, exactly where I tend to grasp it as I check for email or answer a phone call. And every time it happens I think to myself, 'I wish I knew what voice commands would actually trigger action because I would like to give the voice command feature a try.'
Blackberry's have come such a long way in design and functionality during recent years. For example, being able to be prompted by voice commands is a big leap in functionality. However if I could redesign the voice command access in any way, I would reposition the button from the middle of the sideline where it is today and move it to the lower corner on the sideline of the device. Positioned there, it would still be easily accessed for those wanting to use voice commands, yet be out of the path of the most frequent grasping area. I suspect the reposition of the silver button would result in fewer incidents of accidental activation of voice prompting and lower the frequency my Blackberry beckons to me to 'Say a Command'.
Has this ever happened to you? How would you redesign the Blackberry? What features would you like to see in a Blackberry or have easier access to?
I think you should contact the Blackberry makers and tell them this because it sounds like a definite user/design problem. Go for it, Jill.
You're right, this may be one of those items that I decide to pursue with the vendor. My guess is they would appreciate the feedback. thanks for the encouragement!
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